Hereford Frock Swap – 21st January, 2012-01-23
Had an amazing time at Hereford Frock Swap this Saturday and
met so many lovely new traders (yes....I’ve added your links to this blog J)
and some amazing young people who had a love of vintage and wacky sense of
humours! It was an opportunity for buying goodies from the stalls and
participating in the frock swap......swapping something you’ve grown tired
off...or never fit in the first place (often my problem as never try things
on!) and going home with something new to you...what’s not to “like”.

Firstly the lovely Helen from “Nellie & Eve” ( selling her
handmade accessories and traditional homeware.
This lady has talent and was selling some wonderful items – only a great
deal of restraint meant we didn’t take most of them home! Hopefully, Helen will
share her immense talent and style with us lesser mortals soon and arrange some
handicraft and traditional skills workshops (mind my case...she may
have her work cut out and teaching skills pushed to the limit! I was the “pet hate” of my sewing mistress at
school, who despaired over my blood soaked offerings (needles DO stab you so
Then there was the adorable Ann from Tickled Pink Crafts (
selling beautiful handmade and unique jewellery, bags, accessories and homemade
cards to name but a few. It was clear
that if we gave into temptation we would have gone home penniless (but
amazingly happy). Such a wealth of talent here and so friendly and funny.
with her beautiful array of charming jewellery, which is not
only wearable, fun and beautiful but also totally unique. Well worth a look.
Jennifer (
from “Jennifer’s Dressing Table” attended and did incredible things to a
mannequins hair – vintage style. Jennifer is a freelance mobile makeup artist
that has been doing this for over ten years – and it was so impressive to see
just what she could do (I struggle with just a pair of straightener’s!).
Finally, there was Lizzie May Vintage (
and Athena’s Vintage (
who I suppose were our competitors – but there was such a lot of comardarie,
support and friendliness between never felt competitive. Both of
these lovely vintage stalls had an array of the most amazing clothes and
accessories....and the wonderful thing about vintage is, that even if someone
is also selling vintage clothes like you......the things they are actually
selling always seem to be in contrast and different from the other’s. Each
stall is like an Aladdin’s Cave of goodies.
Finally.....the day could not be put to bed without thanks
to the gorgeous Becky Shepherd for arranging the day and her wonderful family
for the provision of this cakes, cupcakes and biscuits – believe me....they
were to die for!
A great day was had, new friends made and clothes sold and when’s the next one?