Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Goodbye and Farewell to January

Well that’s one twelfth of 2012  now over and gone forever......the bleakest and often coldest month of the year. It official has days where some poor souls are more likely to take their own lives – statistically proven - and other days where us mere humans are more prone to depression and even statistics that show which day people are more likely to cheat on each other.... then there is the retail slump, as suffering still from the costs of Christmas festivities and gifts to one another....we are all feeling the financial squeeze of what always appears to feel like the longest month of the year.  Thank goodness then for February!

Yet although January can be a challenge to many of us, it is also the time of beautiful wintry landscapes, of being in the warmth of our homes sharing maybe more time than usual with our loved ones, a time of reflection on the past years events and of new years resolutions, where we inspire to be better and happier than we were in the previous year and of course, it is a time of the January sales...and procuring a whole host of bargains.

Yet, it should always be borne in mind that whilst we are busy wishing this austere month gone........we have also lost another 31 days of our lives.....never to be retrieved....a thought worth holding onto as we delve into the delights of February....

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