Friday 24 February 2012

Sally's Friday Favourites

Well personally this week has been a hard I have been dying.....okay slight exaggeration.....only slight though as I have had an awful head cold......and I don't do ill graciously or well so make it worse for myself. Found this delightful picture, which summed up how I felt even if, hopefully, I didn't look quite this bad!
Mind you...can now feel the side's of my nose eroding after constant wiping and a cold sore may be making it's way there as we could look this bad...shortly! Watch this space! Being ill did give me space to reflect a little - as living in my head seemed the only possibility as lifting it for manual work was too painful! I found this lovely quote, which meant something personal to me and inspired me as I move forward with my life.
As the weather improved this week and the sun was so beautiful to see it and feel some thoughts turned to the is a jungle out there with a whole host of dead stuff that needs to be removed. There was one live yellow crocus which I was very excited to find, and then promptly took a step backwards and trod on it.....don't think it is going to survive....broken stem (guess that's equivalent to our neck)! R.I.P Yellow Crocus. Noting that gardening is not my strong point, I sat and dreamt of a hunky gardener coming in to sort it all out, so that in the summer, I could sit out there with friends (in a delightful floaty frock of course) and have a drink as the sun goes down - may even invite the gardener back...seems quite nice from the photo!  Being slightly more realistic....was thinking of where, in this large garden, we could have a bonfire to dispose of all the debris - I do love a good bonfire - but despite it's size, couldn't really think of anywhere that we would not be in danger of setting fire to something the house!  Oh well, gardener it is then :)

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